August Music: Helin Mari Arder quartet and Raul Sööt Deeper Sound

On 24 August 2014, it was jazz’s turn to take the stage – the Helin Mari Arder quartet and Raul Sööt Deeper Sound. Deeper Sound brought nine instrumentalists to the stage. Raul Sööt and Keio Vutt (saxophone), Meelis Vind (bass clarinet), Mihkel Metsala (trumpet), Eduard Akulin (trombone), Virgo Sillamaa (guitar), Holger Marjamaa (keyboards), Mihkel Mälgand (string bass) and Kaspar Kalluste (drums). Photos: Rene Jakobson


Kõltsu Manor is in Laulasmaa, in Keila municipality in Harju County in Estonia’s capital region. When you are coming from Tallinn along Rannamõisa tee, the manor is 2 km past Laulasmaa School on the right. If you are coming from Tallinn via Keila on Paldiski maantee, turn right after driving 35 kilometres and drive on 2 km toward Laulasmaa. Kõltsu manor will be on your left.

Kõltsu Mõis

Keila vald, 76702 Harju County, Estonia
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